Bringing phones to school is okay.
I think bringing phones to school is okay. Students bring phones to school, but teachers want students not to bring their phones to school. Here's what I think. I think bringing phones is okay. I have three big reasons. Let's start!
Students need phones to contact with their friends, familly.
In school, we need to contact with people. For example if you can't find the person who you are looking for, you need other way to find them, PHONES! They were made to be used to stay in contact. Send text message, or call the person. It might be much easlier to contact in school. Also, if your mom needs to tell you somthing, she can't just come to school just because of the message. It's too annoying for her. Some people saying that mom could call to school office and ask them to give message. School teachers are not postofficers. They cannot deliver messages for evey students in school. I think that's why we need phones to contact with people, so students can have messages of imfrmations by their own phones.
Students have freedom to bring phones, if we keep ou manners.
We are living in a democratic country. We have our rights to carry our own property, like phones.
Phones are not dangerous! They can't actually harm people, if we keep ou manners. Before I say about our rights I should say about phone manners that we should keep if we want to bring and carry phones in school. Phone manners is about something you should do to not harm of annoy other people by using phones. So it means we should not use our phones, or we should turn them into mute mode in class time.
Also we should not tease or annoy other people by texting weird messages. If we keep these manners, teachers should keep our rights. We have rights, even teachers can not ignore it. Phones are our own property. We don't need permission to use them. So if we keep out responsbility for using phones we can bring phones without any stopping from teachers.
Many students go to academies right after school. They go back home at 10:00 Pm or 10:30 Pm.
It is too dangerous for students just to walk back home without any phones. Phones could save them from being kidnapped or any bad things happening to them. If they have phones they could call friends wallking through a street which is scary at night. They need phones to protect and prevent then selves from danger.,2817,2362587,00.asp
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